Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday=School Day

We had to work Saturday to make up for a day that we took as a holiday. I'm not sure why a holiday would need to be made up, but we went. We had to attend a full day like it was a regular school day. I learned that they used to go to school regularly on Saturdays. I'm so glad that was changed before I came! We let the kids play games. They played a heart match up game where they had to put hearts together. Each heart had a part of a poem printed on it. After they correctly put the heart together, they had to put the poem together in the correct order. If they were really good, then they had to recite the poem without reading it. The second game was sort of like horseshoes, but we used plastic food products from our Supermarket Situation Classroom. The students had to toss a mini ring into or near a bigger ring. No one was able to ring the items, but they got pretty close. The students received points if they touched or made it inside of the ring. Winners received a small prize.

1 comment:

  1. wow that was a very great and nice one ..., thank you..
