Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Early Christmas Present!

Cindy and Cindy are both my students. Cindy #1 (pink) is responsible for cleaning a few of the areas in our English Village. Cindy #2 (blue) gives me hugs and barely knows 20 English words.
On my way home from school, Cindy #2 (blue) yells my name (Teacher Debon) as I'm getting ready to cross the street.I turn around to see who is calling me and I see her sprinting across the park towards me. When she makes it to me, she gives me a hug and tries to tell me that she is playing with her friend Cindy #1 (pink). Cindy #1 runs over to serve as the translator because she knows more words and sentences compared to Cindy #2. Cindy #2 asks for a kiss (she says my names and then perches her lips). She motions for her mouth, but I tell her no. I show her my cheek. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and says something to Cindy #1. Cindy #1 then translates that she wants to sing me a song. I say OK and then quickly tell them to wait so that I can get it on video.
As you can see, she may be a little girl, but she definitely has a big voice! It brought tears to my eyes to hear her sing a song so passionately and without fear. She has become my inspiration! If she can sing wholeheartedly and without fear, then I can too!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Taiwanese Opera

Well, there has been a Taiwanese Opera going on in my neighborhood.  It was cool during the first 2 days, but now it is starting to get old. It has been 7 days and there have been a lot of people and scooters coming and going.  This coming up week, we were told (newspaper) to not be outside as much due to an increase of pollution that will be traveling via strong winds. This should be interesting! Well, I have included some pictures and videos of what I could catch of the opera. There were lots of people inside this big tent in front of the temple. Not sure if it is a religious opera or it's theme. It was still nice to see. Enjoy!