Thursday, January 27, 2011


I just got out of the hospital and am thankful that I only had to stay overnight. Basically, they did an old school EKG (the one with the suction cups and not leads), chest x-ray, blood work, venography, and CT scan in 1 day. I was admitted at 4pm and discharged at 4pm the next day. I have a double compression in my left leg that has been causing the swelling. I am on bed rest for 2 days and will get the treatment taken care of when I return to the States.  I had fun confusing the hospital staff when they talking to me in Chinese. Because I have worked in the medical field before and have been to the doctor for this condition several times over the past 13 yrs, I already knew the questions being asked and the order to answer them. Naturally, they assumed I understood Chinese. When they began to tell me what they were doing  I would stop them and say to them in Chinese that I didn't understand. They would continue to talk to me in Chinese and I would stop and say to them that I didn't know in Chinese. Again, they would talk to me in Chinese and I finally told them that I didn't understand, I was American, and that I speak English. They quickly realized that I only know how to be polite and say that I didn't understand in Chinese. I guess I better get my book out and work on some more lessons. I plan on going back to teach some of their staff some simple English phrases that they can use because they heavily rely on 2 ladies that REALLY need a vacation. I will post pictures of my scan when I get to work on Monday.

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