Thursday, January 27, 2011


I just got out of the hospital and am thankful that I only had to stay overnight. Basically, they did an old school EKG (the one with the suction cups and not leads), chest x-ray, blood work, venography, and CT scan in 1 day. I was admitted at 4pm and discharged at 4pm the next day. I have a double compression in my left leg that has been causing the swelling. I am on bed rest for 2 days and will get the treatment taken care of when I return to the States.  I had fun confusing the hospital staff when they talking to me in Chinese. Because I have worked in the medical field before and have been to the doctor for this condition several times over the past 13 yrs, I already knew the questions being asked and the order to answer them. Naturally, they assumed I understood Chinese. When they began to tell me what they were doing  I would stop them and say to them in Chinese that I didn't understand. They would continue to talk to me in Chinese and I would stop and say to them that I didn't know in Chinese. Again, they would talk to me in Chinese and I finally told them that I didn't understand, I was American, and that I speak English. They quickly realized that I only know how to be polite and say that I didn't understand in Chinese. I guess I better get my book out and work on some more lessons. I plan on going back to teach some of their staff some simple English phrases that they can use because they heavily rely on 2 ladies that REALLY need a vacation. I will post pictures of my scan when I get to work on Monday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

School Hotpot and KTV

Today, the school had hotpot and KTV. It was interesting to listen to the Chinese and Taiwanese songs. The food that they were putting together was quite interesting as well. Enjoy the photos!

 Mushrooms going in!!!!

 The Peace Group
 Teacher Liesl
 Teacher Monica and Liesl
 Teacher Nicole
 Teacher Silvia
 Teachers Candy and Nicole

The pot that I won!

This is what goes into a hotpot.

Monday, January 17, 2011


The weather has been a lot colder than what the temperature reads. It might say 46, but it is really 31. Nothing like that good ocean weather to keep you cool. I attended a basketball game on Sunday. It was nice to see something more American style. The games show on ESPN Live and only cost $150-$300 NT to watch. I went to take pictures of two of the players that I have befriended on Facebook. I met a man from the states. I fell in love with his son William. He talked and asked a lot of funny questions during the game. He was my other source of entertainment. I have 9 days until my hospital visit. I'm excited! It's been a long time coming! Until then, I will try to move around a little more before the dreaded bed rest kicks happens. Enjoy the pictures and videos!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year's Fireworks

For New Year's, I went to the Taipei City Hall area to see the fireworks being shot off of Taipei 101. There were lots of people there. The body heat from everyone kept us from getting cold. Some teachers in other areas of Taiwan that are in the program with me came to visit for the weekend. We exchanged stories about the students and our responsibilities at our schools. We will see each other again in Taichung on the 24th of this month. Enjoy the video!

 A dog in a stroller with a sweater on
 Is Coffee (can't think of a better title for it)
 Nate and Shelby
 David, Nate, and Shelby
 His drink looks like mouthwash
 How many people can fit on one scooter?
 Do you see what I see hanging off the bottom of the bike?
 Yes, folks! Those are cds! Great reflectors! Only in Taiwan!
 We need this for school bullies!
 My friend Leifson.
 What are you feeding me now!?!
Not bad! Taste like Craisins!
 Taipei 101